2 Pack Set of Swaddle Blankets

$20.00 CAD

This 2 pack set of swaddle blankets doubles your chances of securing warmth and comfort with your baby! Swaddle blankets are a little smaller in size relative to other cloths, regardless it has enough material to fully cover your baby and not carry around access fabric that would be bothersome or irritable to a baby tugging on the access and wiggling around fidgety-like.

Swaddle your baby with this blanket and your little one will be comfortable because the soft fabric is breathable whilst keeping him or her warm because the secure wrap keeps the heat in and allows no cold to enter. By swaddling your baby, an immediate calming effect occurs. Swaddling is an effective technique used for babies because the surrounding fabric adds a sense of comfort and relaxation.

Babies have what is known as a startle reflex. This startle reflex is related to baby’s eagerness to move and shift. This in most circumstances is good because it is a baby just being curious and trying to adapt to life in this new world. However, when asleep, the last thing parents want is to trigger this reflex because the more room to move in their crib, or in your arms, then the more likely a baby is to wake up. In addition, babies bodies aren’t quite adaptable yet to their surroundings and react more suddenly and drastically to weather and temperature changes.

A swaddle setup helps your little guy or little girl stay warm and cozy day after day until eventually, that internal thermostat begins on its own. This swaddling blanket pack of two is a set that doubles your fortune! This double offer gives new parents the relief of stressing over the condition of just one blanket, when now when the first cloth needs a wash, the second is readily available to wrap your baby into a sound sleep.

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